
Rape is a crime – it is a violation of human rights.

100% of the responsibility lies with the one who committed this act of violence – and no one else but him.

In our counselling sessions we offer you time and space to talk about the sexual violence you’ve been through – free from fear of being blamed and reproached.
Many women and girls have never talked about their experiences of sexual violence and its impact. Some took a very long time to do so, and there are other who have never found anyone willing to listen to themn.

You are offered to turn to us with all your anxieties and your questions.
We will not leave you alone.

We will give you support in all kinds of decisions you have to or want to make. Everyday lives of women and girls, whether they were raped, sexually assaulted, or threatened by sexual violence, often change dramatically. Many problems, anxieties old and new, rise. Together we will find out what is best for you – whether it is self-care, help and support from others, or protection needed.

We’ll help you help yourself.

The key principle of our work is never to act without your explicit consent. It is entirely up to you to decide which offer you want to make use of, what you want to talk about or not, whether or not you want to report to the police.

You are the one who decides which way to go in your healing process.



Sexual Violence

Human dignity shall be inviolable.
(Article 1 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany)